British Quality Foundation (BQF)

BQF (The British Quality Foundation) is the premier membership organisation representing excellence and performance improvement in the UK.

BQF is an independent and not-for-profit, and have an extensive track record of helping organisations learn from best practice, improve their performance and achieve sustainable excellence.

BQF is an official assessor training provider in England able to offer the full range of EFQM products and services. By the early 1980s, governments and leaders of industry in the west had become concerned about the poor level of industrial productivity and the lack of competitiveness of business.

With government and industry backing, the UK Quality Award (now the UK Excellence Award) was established in 1993. The Award is promoted and managed by a new, independent, not-for-profit body called The British Quality Foundation (BQF).

In addition to managing this new quality award, BQF also began to offer support to organisations, of all sizes and sectors. These organisations wanted to use the Business Excellence Model. By creating networking groups to encourage debate and knowledge sharing.

BQF works with many different organisations that help us provide high-quality services to our members and wider network

Centre for Competitiveness (CforC)

Centre for Competitiveness is an independent, not-for-profit, membership organisation. It is dedicated to assisting Northern Ireland organisations build best in class performance.


EFQM is a not-for-profit membership foundation based in Brussels. EFQM is the custodian of the EFQM Excellence Model. We are EFQM’s Primary Partner in the UK – the only organisation in the UK able to provide their full range of products and services.

Quality Scotland Partners

Quality Scotland is a charitable organisation that promotes Business Excellence across Scotland in the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Click Here, to view the BQF list of members worldwide.

Click Here, to view the Membership Certificate.