Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional (CAIP)
Exam Code: CAIP-001
Certified Artificial Intelligence Professional (CAIP)™ presents a solid foundation in the principles and technologies that underlie many facets of AI, including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning.
Artificial intelligence is considered to be one of the more complex topics in technology but its use in our daily lives cannot be overstated. So if you want your organization to become better at using this technology then this program is worth a look. The Certification comprises of meaning behind basic and crucial terminologies, what AI can do and cannot do, spot opportunities to apply AI solutions to problems in your organization and more.
- Understand what it is like to build machine learning and data science projects.
- Work with an artificial intelligence team and build a strategy in your company.
- Navigate ethical and societal discussions surrounding this field.
- The lessons do not require any prerequisites, hence it can be taken by anyone with any level of experience.
- The deadlines of the classes can be adjusted as per your convenience.
Course Duration: 20 to 25 Hours