Certified BlockChain Professional (CBCP)
Exam Code: CBCP-001
CBCP® is a skilled professional who understands and knows deeply what is Blockchain and how Blockchain works and also uses the same knowledge to build Blockchain-based applications for enterprises and businesses. Certified Blockchain Professional (CBCP)® Certification is made for experts who have knowledge about Blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, who would like to gain levels and approve their degree of expertise.
The Blockchain Certification introduces blockchain, a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries, and is predicted to be just as impactful as the Internet. More specifically, it prepares learners to program on the Ethereum blockchain.
This Certification will guide the candidates through the concepts of Blockchain technology. By completing the program, participants will be able to understand the theoretical underpinnings of varying Blockchain technologies coupled with a current perspective into industry regulation and standards. In addition, participants will have a deep dive on different framework to assess if Blockchain technology is a good fit to the problem they are trying to solve, review of existing projects and guidance from industry experts on how to write a good white paper.