ISO 19011 - Certified Lead Auditor
Exam Code: ISO_19011_CLA
ISO 19011 is a standard that provides guidance on auditing management systems including principles of auditing, developing, implementing and managing an audit program, conducting an audit and on developing and evaluating auditor competencies and is applicable to all types of management systems. This certification offers a thorough review of ISO 19011 : 2018. In this self-paced training, participants will learn how to develop, implement, and manage an internal audit program, including how to plan and conduct an audit. Individuals will review several audit methods used to collect objective evidence and learn when each should be used. In addition, audit sampling strategies and how to establish and assess auditor competencies will be presented. This Certification is beneficial to individuals (e.g., managers/supervisors, quality managers, internal audit program managers) that are new to the internal audit process or those that are tasked with developing, implementing and managing an internal audit program.
All types and sizes of management system can be audited based on these guidelines. ISO 19011:2018 is the latest guidelines for auditing management systems standard that addresses all the present system for audit program management, audit conducting requirements, auditor competency requirements.